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Pogs and Tazos-Inspired Battles!

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4 Races

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The primary humanoid race, Humans, reign supreme in both numbers and ambition. Their shorter lifespans hinder profound philosophical contemplation. They focus on progress.

Half Orcs

As humans and orcs form alliances through intermarriage, half-orcs come into existence. Some half-orcs rise to become proud chiefs of orc tribes, their human blood gives them greater intelligence.


Dwelling within mountains and the earth, Dwarfs are known for their wisdom, craftsmanship, and mining skills. They’re often depicted as short and ugly, with an average lifespan of around 350 years.

Women Elf

Women Elf are a long-lived humanoid race, thinner and more agile than humans, with big and sharp eyes, along with pointed ears. They feel a strong connection to nature and possess magical abilities.

Special edition Kickstarter Race

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The undead have no brain and they smell rotten flesh. They only obey orders from their wicked King without fear of death. Its goal is to increase its army by resurrecting fallen soldiers and controlling the entire kingdom.

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